Dr. Xiaohui Tao, PhD

Professor (Computer Science)
Computing Discipline Team Leader
School of Mathematics, Physics, and Computing
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Tel: +61 7 4631 1576
Email: xiaohui DOT tao AT unisq DOT edu DOT au

Professor Dr. Xiaohui Tao holds a distinguished position at the University of Southern Queensland's (UniSQ) School of Mathematics, Physics, and Computing in Australia. He is the Computing Discipline Team Leader, and presides as the Chair of the ICT Programs’ Governance and Leadership Committee at UniSQ. Before assuming these pivotal roles, from 2016 to 2021, he provided esteemed leadership as the Director of various academic programs, including the Master of Data Science, Master of Information Technology, and Master of Science at UniSQ.

An esteemed scholar in Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Tao's research encompasses a wide spectrum, including but not limited to data analytics, machine learning, knowledge engineering, natural language processing, and health informatics. His academic contributions are well-recognized with over 200 publications in eminent journals such as TKDE, TOIS, TIST, INFFUS, IPM, and notable conferences including AAAI, IJCAI, SIGIR, EMNLP, ICDE, and CIKM. Beyond individual research, he spearheads a prominent research group that prioritizes innovative algorithms and systems with significant real-world applications. Additionally, he has exhibited exceptional mentorship, having successfully supervised ten doctoral candidates to completion.

Dr. Tao's contributions to the academic community have been acknowledged with prestigious awards like the Australia Research Council Grant and the Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship, as well as recognition from international conferences, namely DSinS'23, ACMHN’22, BESC’22, BI’21, WI-IAT’20, and WISE'20 and '19.

A Senior Member of both the IEEE and ACM professional bodies, Dr. Tao also contributes as the Deputy Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII). His editorial endeavours include serving as the Editor-in-Chief for Elsevier's Natural Language Processing Journal, the TCII Bulletin, and Web Intelligence (CCF C). He has further enhanced his profile by serving in key roles in conferences such as WI-IAT and BESC, and more.

Dr. Tao concluded his PhD in Information Technology from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, in 2009.



  1. Exploring the Landscape of Machine Unlearning: State-of-the-Arts, Challenges and Directions, a Keynote Speech at the 14th International Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithms, and Programming (PAAP’23), Beijing China, 25 Nov 2023
  2. Intelligent Data Analytics with Human-in-the-Loop for Smart Healthcare in Digital Society, an invited talk at the 3rd International Conference on Digital Society and Intelligent Systems (DSInS 2023), Chengdu, China, 11 Nov 2023
  3. Informing Healthcare and Medical Practice by Human-centered Artificial Intelligence, an invited talk at School of Information Technology and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China, 9 Nov 2023.
  4. ChatGPT and Web 3.0, invited Panelist at IEEE/WIC Int’l Conf. on Web Intelligence and Agent Technology, Venice, Italy, 29 Oct 2023.
  5. Transforming Healthcare Practice with Artificial Intelligence: A Journey from Machine Learning to Machine Unlearning, an invited talk in School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, 19 Oct 2023
  6. Revolutionizing Healthcare with Federated Reinforcement Learning: From Machine Learning to Machine Unlearning, an invited talk at Dept. of Computing and Decision Sciences, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Oct 16 2023
  7. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Techniques, Applications, and Trends, at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Engineering, the Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China, April 7, 2023
  8. Smart Medicine and Healthcare by Human-centered AI, at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Engineering, the Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China, April 6, 2023


  1. The Pursuit of Human-centered AI for P4 Medicine, at Conference on Integration of Data Science, Information Management and Digital Technology into Health and Medical Research, November 24-25, 2022, Gold Coast, Australia
  2. Towards Human-centered AI with Endeavour to Understand Natural Languages, at the Tenth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD 2022), November 4-5, 2022, online
  3. Explainable AI for Mental Health, at the Digital Health Research Group, a Community of Practice of Australian researchers, 09 September 2022, online
  4. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: Techniques, Applications and Trends, at the Graduate Research School, University of Southern Queensland, 08 September 2022, online
  5. Human-centred AI: Some Explorations on Adopting AI for Social Good, at the ITEE Data Science Seminar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 17 August 2022


  1. Graph-based multi-label disease prediction using medical domain knowledge, at 2021 IEEE International Conference on Digital Society and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-DSInS 2021), 4 Dec 2021 (online)
  2. AI in the Connected World: Brain Informatics for Mental Health, at the 2nd Workshop on Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2021), 18 September 2021 (online)
  3. Artificial Intelligence for P4 Medicine: An Exploration on Mental Healthcare, at University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 26 August 2021. (online)
  4. Online Student Behaviour Modelling using NLP and Neural Networks, at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong SAR, May 2021. (online)
  5. Detecting Depression an Ensemble Classifier based on Quality of Life Scales, at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong SAR, May 2021. (online)


  1. W2T Supports the Four Ps Medicine in the Connected World, at the International Workshop on Brain Health Big Data and Brain-Machine Intelligence in the Four Ps Medicine of 5G Era, Haikou, December 2019
  2. Knowledge Discovery for Personalised Clinical Decision Support for P4 Medicine, Renmin University, Beijing, December 2019
  3. W2T Supports the Four Ps Medicine in the Connected World, at the Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, December 2019
  4. Knowledge-based Personalised Healthcare, at the Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAC, 4 November 2019
  5. Knowledge-based Personalised Service for Healthcare, at the Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, October 2019

2017 backwards

  1. Adoption of Ontology for Business Intelligence, at the Renmin University, Beijing, 2017.
  2. Ontology-based Personalised Information Gathering Model, at the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunica- tions, China, 2017
  3. Ontology-based Personalised services, at the Hubei University of Technology, China, 2017.
  4. Visualisation using Graph Theory for Data Analytics on Big Data, at the e-Discovery Research Lab, QUT, 2016.
  5. Semantic labelling for document feature patterns using ontological subjects, at Beijing University of Technology, China, December 2015.
  6. Finding Alternative Routes to Deal with Internet Congestions, at the Console Inc. (previously IIX Inc.), Brisbane, September 2015.
  7. Ontology-based Personalised services and applications, at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, November 2015.
  8. Ontology-based User Profiling and personalised Services, at the Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, September 2013.
  9. Ontology Based Personalised Service Model and Its Applications, at the Committee Meeting in 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-IAT 2012), Macau, China, 7 December 2012.
  10. Where Global Knowledge Meets Local Knowledge, at the Southern China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 26 November 2012.
  11. User Profiling Exploiting A World Knowledge Ontology, at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, 15 September 2012.